This is a common question I hear several times a week, and let me try to explain. The classes are called PATH training - Parents As Tender Healers - and they are for people considering foster parenting. The classes are each Thursday night and last for about 3 hours. The instructor and the participants are the same from week to week. I have received two massive binders; one of which I carry to class, and the other I leave at home as it is my home study forms and information. The classes consist of discussion through the book as well as short videos to help train. Explaining the requirements and steps to foster parenting is a huge task.
During each session, there is a topic of discussion. For instance, last week we had a panel of four girls that have been or are currently in the foster care system. They answered questions and talked about their experience so that we could gain information to be the best parent to children in the foster care system.
The second topic was on abuse. All types of abuse. Physical, emotional, sexual, neglect. The whole kit and caboodle. We discussed how to best parent a child that comes out of that situation. The statistics broke my heart. Seventy five to 95 % of kids in the foster care system have been sexually abused. Ugh. That makes me sick. But the reality is, if I am to be the mother of a child that spent any time in the foster care system, I have to be aware and know how to help my child through those terrible, gut-wrenching memories.
So, when someone asks me, "How are your classes going?" it's not a matter of just saying fine and moving on. These classes are changing my life. They are changing my view of the world. These classes are placing a burden on my heart for the children in a new and fresh way. They are not happy classes. They are not light-hearted. They certainly do not give you "warm fuzzies". All that to say - if I do not seem gushy about talking about the classes, it's not because I'm not open to talking. But really, how much detail do you want? Do you want me to say the classes are fine? Do you want to know that each Thursday night when I go to bed my heart breaks for children that are in that situation?
I love talking about what I'm learning, but I totally want to be positive about my experience and to be totally honest with you, the things that I am having to learn in my class are not positive things. They are sad, gross, disgusting, violent, and frustrating. Don't quit asking how things are going. Please. I need your support. But please don't think that I'm crazy if it's not all bubbles and rainbows when I answer. Thanks again for your interest in my life and in what God is doing. Thanks for joining my journey.
On a lighter note. . . the weight is coming off! You'll see that I've added a weight loss ticker on the bottom of the page so that you can help me in my quest for skinny motherhood! I know that many people have become interested in my weight loss and I will be preparing a post soon to help you understand what it is that I am doing to lose weight and to prepare myself for the life that God has for me.
Enjoy your weekend!!
Who's that girl?
10 years ago
I totally applaud you Beth. Teaching in the inner city, I have had my fair share of foster children come through my classroom doors. And you are right...most of them have suffered some form of abuse. One child got pulled form my class right before Christmas because I called child protective services on her foster family because of some things she told me and marks I could visibly see on her. The dad was arrested on the school property and she was taken away and I never saw her again. It is devestating but what if she had never told anyone? What would she be going through? It is sad for some, but yet others get into a great home where the parents are in it for the right reasons and they are totally new kids. Keep on! You are being burdened with a great thing and I am praying for you.
I remember the days Becky and I went through the DHS program. It was good but tough to hear and go through. We've been down this road and I won't sugar coat it for's tough. worth all the pain, agony, fear, and any other emotion you can think of. The joy of seeing God change lives, the child and yours is well worth the journey. Look up and know your are not alone in this. God will see you through and give you all you need to love.
Beth Steeplesauce...
SOOOO O O O O O much I want to tell you.
First, your text the other day...was for sure my highlight. I miss you too. I miss so many things about teaching at HB, but walking by and seeing you teaching is for sure one of the top things!!!
I am so sorry I didn't return your a month ago!! YIKES...I am so sorry!
I am SO proud of you for your weight loss...I am so inspired...can you PLEASE do a post about what your doing? 31 pounds!!! Your gonna be a HOT MOMMA!
I hate the word FINE. My therapist says that word should be removed from the vocab. of everyone. I love your honesty and when I read this post, my first thought, I wanna go to a meeting with her. I don't know why, but I wanted to just tell you that I (and we) are here for you!
Love you girl!!!
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